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Tom Holliday


Mr. Holliday is a veteran of the alternative investment industry with over 32 years of experience in sourcing investment opportunities, performing detailed due diligence and investment analysis, and carefully constructing portfolios for institutional investors.

Prior to starting HIP Investments, Tom was Co-founder and Chief Investment Officer for 19 years at Titan Advisors, LLC, a multibillion-dollar hedge fund allocator and fund of hedge funds. In addition to managing the global research team and investment committee, Tom was the architect of Titan’s investment process as well as its proprietary portfolio management, risk, and attribution systems. As CIO, Tom focused on investing in emerging managers – Titan successfully invested in over 150 emerging managers during his tenure – including Titan’s macro investments in commodity-focused strategies.

Prior to Titan, Tom was responsible for manager evaluation and recommendations at Soros Fund Management, LLC (“SFM”). He was on a small team that worked closely with Mr. Soros and an investment committee to allocate billions to external hedge fund managers during SFM’s transition to the Quantum Endowment Fund in the early 2000’s. Tom began his career trading agricultural commodities in the late 1980’s.

Over the last 30+ years Mr. Holliday has reviewed thousands of alternative investment managers and invested with Commodity Trading Advisors and hundreds of hedge funds across all strategies.

Melanie Paddon

Partner & Chief Operating Officer

Ms. Paddon is a Partner and the Chief Operating Officer of HIP Investments. In this role, Melanie is responsible for all operational aspects of the firm and its investment portfolios. She also oversees finance, human resources, compliance, and investor relations.

Prior to relocating to Nashville and joining HIP, Melanie was a Managing Director and Head of Client Services at Perella Weinberg Partners where she was responsible for investor relations operations for their entire $15B alternative investments platform. Melanie has also held similar roles at Nephila Advisors, The D.E. Shaw Group and Tribeca Global Management, Citigroup Alternatives.

Melanie earned her B.A. cum laude from Wellesley College and a M.Ed. from Harvard University.

Melanie resides in Nashville with her husband, James, and their two sons.